Runtime Log
The Runtime Log window shows any errors that occurred during Runtime.
By right-clicking on the window above, the window below will show a few options:
- Clear: Clears all the messages in the window.
- Copy: Copy the log to the clipboard.
- Filter By Origin: Establishes different filters depending on the origin of the message.
- Log Level: Establishes different filters depending on the relevance of the message.
- Pause: Pauses the Engineering Log, the new messages will not be visible in the window.
- Save Dumps: If checked, it will save a .dump file with all the errors into a hidden folder, named “DumpFiles”, which contains detailed information about application errors or crashes. The hidden folder is saved within the projects folder.
- Days to keep: Establish the number of days the Dump files will be kept on the local disk. Every dump that surpasses those number of days will be automatically erased. If the number is zero, they will be kept until 23:59:59 of the present day.
- Save Runtime Logs: If checked, it will save a .txt file with the Runtime Logs in a folder, named “Logs”, The folder is saved within the projects folder.
- Number of Logs to keep: Establishes the number of Logs files that will be kept on the local disk. The oldest Logs that surpass those number will be automatically erased.
- Export Log to File: Saves the messages in a .CSV file on the disk.