Docking Windows
Panes are part of the ADISRA SmartView Engineering Environment interface that can float above the program, be dragged beyond the program’s borders or remain fixed in one of several locations. (By default, all of the windows are docked.)
Floating a Pane
There are two ways to float a pane in the ADISRA SmartView:
1. Click the title bar of the pane then drag the pane.
2. Right-click the title bar and select Float.

By selecting Float, the pane will become separated from the main software window. You may then drag the floating pane to any location by clicking the title bar of the pane and moving it.

To return a floating pane to its last docked location in the workspace, right-click the title bar and select Show.
Docking a Pane
There are two ways to dock a pane in the ADISRA SmartView:
1. Right-click the title bar and select Show. This will return the pane to its last docked position.

2. Right-click the title bar and select Dock as Tabbed Document. This will return the pane to the middle workspace as a Tabbed Document window (see image below).

3. At any time, you may move a pane to any location using the Docking Navigator. To use the docking navigator, right-click the title bar of a pane and drag the pane onto one of the locations indicated by the docking navigator that appears on the screen.

You may select any location on the screen indicated with arrows in the docking navigator.
To dock a pane as a tabbed window, the pane can be dragged over the center of the docking navigator arrow cluster as shown below. This action will dock the pane as a tabbed pane.

Showing / Hiding a Pane
To hide a pane in ADISRA SmartView, right-click the title bar and select Hide.

At any time a window pane (Navigation Tree, Logical Tree, Engineering Log, Build Output, Runtime Log, Search Output, Properties) is hidden and you would like it to make it visible again, you can select View in the top Ribbon and click the appropriate hidden pane to view it again.

Auto-Hiding a Pane
There are 2 ways to auto-hide a pane:
1. Right-click the title bar and select Auto Hide.
2. Click the thumbtack icon in the title bar.

Auto-hiding a pane reduces it to a tab in order to maximize working space.

Hovering the mouse over the tab temporarily restores it to full size. Clicking or hovering the mouse outside the pane returns it to Auto Hide mode. In order to restore the pane to its original state, you may right-click the title bar and select Show.