Image - Basic Object


An image object can be found in the Basic Objects section and can be used to display different image extensions in the Graphics.

This object allows the user to display images of the following types:

  • .bmp
  • .ico
  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .jpeg
  • .tif
  • .gif
  • .jpe
  • .jfif
  • .tiff

Properties and Functions


  • Name
  • Size
  • Location
  • ZIndex
  • Draggable


  • Angle
  • Stretch
  • Source File
  • HotKey
  • Is Enabled
  • Is Visible
  • ToolTip


  • .Source
  • .Play
  • .Pause
  • .Replay
    Play, Pause and Replay are functions that can be executed if the image is a gif
The above properties and functions can be configured using the Property Window when the object is selected but they can also be changed during runtime using a script.  The script must be on the same screen as the object is located and they can be accessed by the name of the object (i.e. objName.Angle = objName.Angle + 1; )

Inserting an image

To create a new Image in the Graphics Document:

  1. Click the “Image ” button in the Ribbon.
  2. Place the mouse pointer where you want to create the Image . 
  3. Click to create the new Image .


 When it is first created, it looks like the image below.


Setting the image using the Property Window

There are 2 ways to pre-define the image(s) you want to display during the design:

Method 1.   Using a static image.

With this configuration, you will be able to select 1 image only.

  • Create an Image object.
  • Select it and go to the Properties Window -> Configuration.
  • Leave the “is dynamic image” property Unchecked.
  • Click the browse button (…) and select one of the available Images from the (ApplicationFolder\Images) or browse to any other folder.
  • When you start the Runtime, this image selected will be displayed in the Image object area.

Method 2.   Using a dynamic image.

  • Create an Image object.
  • Select it and go to the Properties Window.
  • Leave the “is dynamic image” property set to True.
  • In this configuration, you will be able to change the image in the Runtime according to the evaluation of the Expression box.
  • It allows you to select a default image which will be shown if there is no valid value for the expression evaluation.
  • On the grid below, you can define multiple images for each valid value. For the example where the expression verifies the temperature, it will show the green indicator in case the temperature is greater than 100 else it shows the red indicator 

It is also possible to use the C# expression as the image below. It returns 10 if the expression is true, if not returns 20. Then the value for each image was changed to match the return of the expression. You can also add multiple checks inside the C# expression.

Setting the Image using a C# script

To change the Source property using a C# Script please follow the steps below:

  • Create a new screen (i.e. Graphic1).
  • Insert an Image object to the Screen.
  • Remember its name by selecting it and searching for field Name on the Properties Window.
  • Now insert a Button and write the following logic:
  • Every time the button is clicked, it will switch between the 2 images, Play.png and Stop.png.
Both .png files must be located in the Images folder part of the Application. 

Script Events

The Image Object provides several Script Events for the user.

  • Mouse Up
  • Mouse Down
  • Mouse While
  • Mouse Right Up
  • Mouse Right Down
  • Mouse Double Click

Animated GIFs

The Image object accepts animated GIFs. When the image extension is “.GIF” it enables 2 settings.

GIF Auto Play:

  • Checked: The image will play when the graphic is opened.
  • Unchecked: The image will only play when the function “Play” is called.

GIF Repeat Behavior:

  • Infine Loop: The image will repeat indefinitely.
  • Count: The image will repeat for the specified number of times.
  • Duration: The image will repeat for the specified duration(Hours:Minutes:Seconds).


It is possible to configure different permissions per profile for this object.  For further information, please check the Security white paper.