Alarm - Advanced Object


The Alarm Object is the interface that will display the alarms being triggered, normalized and acknowledged.  It can be an online event or history event, or a combination of event and history alarm.

Properties and Functions


  • Name
  • Size
  • Location
  • ZIndex
  • Draggable


  • Alarm Type
  • GridConfig
  • Tag Config
  • Alarm Date Range
  • Filter events by Group
  • Show GridLines
  • SelectedGridIndex
  • Is Enabled
  • Is Visible
  • ToolTip
  • .Ack
  • .AckAll
  • .SelectedLine
  • .DeselectLines
  • .Filter
  • .SetAbsolutStartDate()
  • .SetAbsolutEndDate()
  • .SetAbsolutStartEndDate()
  • .SetRelativeDate()
  • .SetRelativePeriod()
  • .SetRelativeDatePeriod()
  • .AddFilter()
  • .RemoveFilter()
  • .CleanFilter()
  • .ClearEvents()

Inserting an Alarm

To create a new Alarm in the Graphics Document:

  1. Click the “Alarm” button in the Ribbon.
  2. Place the mouse pointer where you want to create the Alarm.
  3. Click to create the new Alarm.

Alarm Type

Configures the object mode of the alarm object.

The are 4 object modes:

  • Online:  Display only current messages.
  • History:  Display only messages from the History database.
  • Event:  Display only events.
  • EventAndHistory:  Display the messages from the History database and the events.

To configure the object, follow the steps below:

1.   Click the desired object to select it.

2.   Select the desired object mode in the ComboBox Alarm Type.

Grid Config

This property configures what columns of the object will be displayed.

The column options will vary depending on the type of object:

  • Ack Time: Displays the time that the alarm was acknowledged ² ³ ⁵
  • Event Time: Displays the time that the event was sent ⁴ ⁵
  • Group: Displays the configured group in the alarm/event ¹
  • Message: Displays the configured message in the alarm/event ¹
  • Priority: Displays the configured priority in the alarm/event ¹
  • Return Time: Displays the time that the alarm returned to a normal state ² ³ ⁵
  • Start Time: Displays the time that the alarm was alarmed ² ³ ⁵ 
  • Tag Name: Displays the name of the tag that was alarmed ² ³ ⁵
  • Tag Description: Displays the description of the tag that was alarmed ² ³ ⁵
  • Type: Displays the alarm type of the tag that was alarmed ² ³ ⁵

To configure the Grid Config, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the desired object to select it.
  2. Click the Grid Config Tab.
  3. Click the left column to select the desired column.
  4. Drag the selected column to the column at the right.
  5. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all the desired columns are selected.
  • ¹: All types of alarm contain this column
  • ²: The Online Alarm contains this column
  • ³: The History Alarm contains this column
  • ⁴: The Event Alarm contains this column
  • ⁵: The EventAndHistory contains this column

Tag Config

Configures the tags that will be displayed in the object if they are alarmed.

To configure the tag, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the desired Alarm Object to select it.
  2. Insert the desired tag in the “New Tag” Field at the “Tags” tab.
  3. Click the “+” button.
  4. Repeat the steps 2 and 3 until all the tags are added.
  5. Select one of the tags you just entered.
  6. Double-Click it or Click the “Alarm Tag Details” tab.
  7. Select/Deselect the desired alarms checkboxes.

To edit a configured tag, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the desired object to select it.
  2. Click the desired configured tag in the Tags tab.
  3. Select/Deselect the desired alarms checkboxes in the “Alarm Tag Details” tab.

To remove a configured tag, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the desired object to select it.
  2. Click the desired configured tag in the “Tags” tab.
  3. Click the “X” button.

Example: Below we have 3 tag types

You can check the box on the left side of the tag name to select all the alarms available for that type of tag.

You can check the box on the header of each type of alarm to select it for all the tags that have this type of alarm available.


It is possible to configure different permissions per profile for this object.  For further information, please check the Security white paper.