Database - Import Export

Import and Export Database Connections

To import and export configured database connections, follow the steps below:

  • In the ADISRA SmartView ribbon, go to “DataBase Connections” and click the “DataBase Connections” button. The window “DataBase Connections” will open.

Export Database Connections

  • Click the “Export Connections” button shown in the red box below.

  • When exporting the connections, a new dialog box will display.  The user has the option to select the folder and insert a name for the exported file.  Click the “Save” button and the file will be generated.

Import Database Connections

  • Click the “Import Connections” button shown in the red box below.

  • After clicking the “Import Connections” button, a dialog box will display allowing the user to select a csv file previously generated by ADISRA SmartView.
  • Select the exported file, name the file and click the “Open” button to import the file into the current project.  The “Import Connection” functionality allows the user to import a previously exported file.