Line Chart - Charts Object
The Line chart object is divided into 3 categories.
A scatter chart is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically 2 variables for a data set. The data are displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis.
A line chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called ‘markers’ connected by straight line segments. It is similar to a scatter plot except that the measurement points are ordered (typically by their x-axis value) and joined with straight line segments.
An area chart displays graphically quantitative data. It is based on the line chart. The area between axis and line are commonly emphasized with colors, textures and hatchings. It s common to compare 2 or more quantities with an area chart.
Properties and Functions
- Name
- Size
- Location
- ZIndex
- Draggable
- Type
- Show Markers (except for scatter chart)
- Show Chart Border
- Show Horizontal Lines
- Show Vertical Lines
- Axis Color
- Background Color
- Plot Area Color
- Title Color
- Legend Color
- X Axis
- Series
- Series Configuration
- Axis Auto Scale
- X Axis Min Value
- X Axis Max Value
- X Axis Interval
- Y Axis Min Value
- Y Axis Max Value
- Y Axis Interval
- X Axis As Number/X Axis As String
- Title
- Title Format
- Title Horizontal Alignment
- Legend Format
- Legend Size
- Number of Decimals
- Is Enabled
- Is Visible
- ToolTip
- .Title
- .TitleHorizontalAlignment
- .BackgroundColor
- .PlotAreaColor
- .ShowGridBorder
- .UpdateTitleFormat()
- .UpdateLegendFormat()
- .UpdateLegendSize()
Inserting a Line Chart
To create a new Line Chart in the Graphics Document:
- Click the “Line Chart” button in the Ribbon.
- Place the mouse pointer where you want to create the Line Chart.
- Click to create the new Line Chart.
Line Config
- Type: Choose the type of the Chart between Scatter, Area and Line.
- Show Chart Border: Choose if the chart border is going to be shown or not.
- Show Vertical Lines: Choose if the chart will display vertical lines or not.
- Show Horizontal Lines: Choose if the chart will display horizontal lines or not.
- Axis Color: Selects the color of the chart Axis.
- Background Color: Selects the color of the chart background.
- Plot Area Color: Selects the color of area where the data points are going to be shown.
- Title Color: Selects the color of the title.
- Legend Color: Selects the color of the legend.
- X Axis: Inserts the categories needed. If there os more than 1 category, it is written with a semicolon “;” between categories, for example: cat1; cat2; cat3.
- Series: Writes the name of the Series that will be shown in the Chart.
- Button
: Inserts a Series in the Chart.
- Name: Configures the name of Series. It is possible to change the names just by clicking on the Textboxes. It accepts any string value or string Tag.
- Value: Inserts constant numbers or tag values to show them in the specific Series. If more than 1, separate them with a semicolon “;”, just the same as the categories of the X Axis field.
- Color: Configures the dots and line color of the Series.
- Button
: Removes the specific Series in the Chart.
- Axis Auto Scale: Choose if the Axis scale is going to be an automatic range based on the data points or not.
- X Axis Min Value: Inserts the minimum value of the X Axis scale. [¹] [²]
- X Axis Max Value: Inserts the maximum value of the X Axis scale. [¹] [²]
- X Axis Interval: Inserts the interval of the X Axis scale. [¹] [²]
- Y Axis Min Value: Inserts the minimum value of the Y Axis scale. [¹]
- Y Axis Max Value: Inserts the maximum value of the Y Axis scale. [¹]
- Y Axis Interval: Inserts the interval of the Y Axis scale. [¹]
- X Axis As Number/ X Axis As String: Choose if the X Axis will be string or number categories.
- [¹]: Only available if Axis Auto Scale is not selected.
- [²]: Only visible if X Axis As Number is selected.
- Title: Writes the title that will be shown in the Chart.
- Title Format: Changes the font format of the Chart title.
- Title Horizontal Alignment: Selects the alignment of the chart title (Left, Right or Center).
- Legend Format: Changes the chart legend font format.
- Legend Size: Changes the size of the chart legend.
- Tooltip: Writes the message that will be shown when mouse pointer is over the Chart.
- Is Enabled: Choose if the Chart will be enabled or not.
- Is Visible: Choose if the Chart will be visible or not.
See configured below Line, Scatter and Area Charts:
NOTE: the “TagB” is an array tag with 7 positions
It is possible to configure different permissions per profile for this object. For further information, please check the Security white paper.