MultiTagViewer - Advanced Object
The MultiTagViewer Object (MTV) was designed to display data from different types of tags mostly used to display arrays of data types or simple arrays. It can be used to visualize all index values of a float array or if the tag is a Data Type, it will be possible to add columns for all members of that Data Type.
Tip1: It is not possible to add information from 2 different tags.
Tip2: Screen tags, such as #var, can be used to configure a MultiTagViewer but its type must be different than generic.
The configuration is very simple. The user must open the Properties Window and define the Tag, Columns and appearance.
Properties and Functions
- Name
- Size
- Location
- ZIndex
- Draggable
- Text Font
- Config
- Start Index
- Count
- Row Height
- Show GridLines
- Show Header
- SelectedIndex
- Number of Decimals
- Is Enabled
- Is Visible
- ToolTip
- .SelectedGridIndex
- .SelectedArrayIndex
- .ChangeImageSource()
- .ChangeBackground()
- .Count
- .Remove()
- .Add()
- .Filter()
- .RefreshIndex()
- .HideColumn()
- .ShowColumn()
- .IsColumnVisible()
Inserting a MultiTagViewer
To create a new MultiTagViewer in the Graphics Document:
- Click the “MultiTagViewer” button in the Ribbon.
- Place the mouse pointer where you want to create the MultiTagViewer.
- Click to create the new MultiTagViewer.
This property will configure what tag the MultiTagViewer object will exhibit and which columns will be displayed.
The following image shows the tag configuration. It is divided into 2 tabs: Grid and Columns. In the tag field, type in the tag’s name.
- Tag: Configures the tag to be displayed by the MultiTagViewer. You can browse for the tag using the […] button.
- Start Index: Configures the start index to be shown in the object.
- Count: Configures how many items will be shown after the start index.
- ListBox on the Left: Displays properties to be selected.
- ListBox on the Right: Displays properties already selected. Shows the columns of the MTV object that will be displayed during Runtime. You need to select at least one to see entries in the Runtime.
- Button
: Adds Columns.
- Button
: Removes Columns.
- Button
: Allows moving your column to the top (runtime left). Top -> Bottom represents Left -> Right.
- Button
: Allows moving your column to the bottom (runtime right). Top -> Bottom represents Left -> Right.
Column Config
In the column tab, the user can configure how the selected columns will be displayed in the MTV object.
The MultiTagViewer object permits the user to configure each column with a different type depending on its need. There are 5 types of column configurations in the Grid Config:
- Text
- Button
- Image
- Checkbox
- Combobox
The configuration of the columns is divided into 2 parts: appearance and logic.
- Header: Column header.
- Width: Column width during runtime.
- Input Enable: If enabled, allows the values to be changed in this column during runtime. It can be disabled for security reasons.
- Visible: Determines if the column will be shown or not in the MultiTagViewer.
- Select Text On Focus (Only for Text type): If checked, when clicking on a cell, the whole text within it will be selected.
- Background Color: Choose the background color of the column. It can be Solid, Gradient, Image or Dynamic.
- Foreground Color: Choose the foreground color of the column. It can be Solid, Gradient.
- Header Align: Column’s header alignment: left, right or centred.
It is possible to configure different permissions per profile for this object. For further information, please check the Security white paper.