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How to Use Domain User

Purpose of this article

This article aims to show how to use the Windows User Domain in the ADISRA SmartView Security System.

1. What is Microsoft Domain User?

The Microsoft Domain User refers to the concept of a user domain in the Windows operating system. It is closely related to network administration and user management in a Windows-based network environment.

In a Windows User Domain, users and their associated accounts, settings, and permissions are centrally managed and organized. The domain is typically created using Windows Server, which acts as a domain controller responsible for user authentication and authorization.

2. Configuring Security System for Windows Domain User

2.1 Checking Windows Domain User

  1. Before starting the steps of importing the windows user domain, the domain needs to be correctly configured in the windows where the SmartView Runtime Module will run. For all configuration steps, we will use an example domain called “”.
  1. Open the Control Panel, access the System and Security section and click on the “Advanced System Settings” option. A window will open. Then click on the “Change” button.
  1. Note that in the image below, the domain in which it will be used is configured.

2.2 Importing Windows User Domain to SmartView

  1. Open the ADISRA SmartView Engineering Environment, click on the “Security” menu and then on the “User & Profiles” button.
  1. Enter the domain name then click the Import Profiles button.
  1. Select the user profile of the user domain which will be used in ADISRA SmartView. Then click the View button to view all users associated with this group. Then, click on the OK button to insert the new user profile of this domain in the ADISRA SmartView Security System.
  1. Select the user profile of the user domain which will be used in ADISRA SmartView. Then click the View button to view all users associated with this group.

    Note that the user we will use in this example has a login called “filippo.pezzino”. We will try to access this login by the application.
  1. Close the user list and then click OK to insert the selected user profile. Below you can see that a new user profile has been added.
  1. Now, select the privileges that users of this profile will have in the application in runtime mode.
  1. Now, select the privileges that users of this profile will have in the application in runtime mode.

Note that, when keeping selected the user profile of the user domain, and then clicking on the Users tab, it is not possible to visualize, associate and create new users for this profile. Any change in the profile and users of this domain must be done directly by windows.

3. Logging into the User in Runtime Mode

Using the security library, it is possible to access the domain user in a few ways:

3.1 First way

  1. Insert a button and use the following code:
  1. Start the application in runtime mode. Then click on the button and the following window will open. Insert the domain user plus the domain after the user.

3.2 Second way

  1. Insert a button and use the following code:
  1. Start the application in runtime mode. Then click on the button and the following window will open. Enter only the username and password. It is not necessary to enter the domain as the checkbox below already has the domain selected.

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