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How to Create a Viewer Shortcut

Purpose of this article

This article aims to show you how to create a Viewer shortcut for a local and remote machine.

How to create a Viewer shortcut

  1. Open the “bin” folder, which contains all the ADISRA SmartView files, right-click on the “Viewer” executable and then create a Shortcut for the desktop.
  1. Below the expected result.
  1. Right-click on “Viewer Shortcut” and then click on “Properties”.
  1. On the “Shortcut” tab, there is a field called “Target”. Add the following parameters after the existing path:

“XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX” “9000”.

Arrow 01: The first parameter is the IP of the Runtime machine;

Arrow 02: The second parameter is the Viewer port;

Attention: To find the port used by the Viewer, open the engineering environment and in the upper menu, click on the “Settings” tab, and then on the “Viewer” option.

  1. After making the above settings, start the Runtime. Then click on the ShortCut Viewer. The Viewer window will open and after a few seconds the initial graphic will open.

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