Switch Widgets

The Switch widgets available for download are compressed. In order to import them into an ADISRA SmartView application, the user will unzip them and follow the Import Procedures.



Properties Description

General Description

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  • TagBool: Boolean tag to toggle
  • BackgroundColor: Allows changing to some predefined colors from 1 to 5. 

Can be used in different applications to represent a boolean tag. It contains a script which will toggle the value of the tag input between true and false. The colors of the template can be modified according to the users needs.

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  • tagValue: Boolean tag to toggle. 
  • skinColor: Allows changing some predefined colors of the basckground and text.

Can be used in different applications to represent a boolean tag. It contains a script which will toggle the value of the tag input between true and false. The colors of the template can be modified according to the users needs.